Your Vote Counts

One Up the Vote Runs September 27 - October 26

Your Vote Counts

Our kids are counting on your vote! With your help, we can grow our Culinary Arts program with a catering enterprise that will provide paid internships for our youth.

As a United Way of Metropolitan Dallas GroundFloor fellow, Youth With Faces is competing in the One Up the Vote social innovation competition. The contest is an exciting way to connect innovative nonprofits like us to the funding we need to improve our community.

Starting September 27, seven North Texas social entrepreneurs will compete for $12,500 each week (for four weeks) and a grand prize that includes $50,000, as well as a place in the 2018 OneUp the Pitch. That’s a total of $100,000 that can help expand our programming for youth in the justice system, and you can help us win with just a click!  Please vote once per day, every day, and share on social media to triple your vote.

Visit September 27 – October 26, and help expand our Culinary Arts program so youth can reinvent their futures. All you have to do is vote!
