Our Love and Gratitude for Leslie Baker

On May 25, 2020, Leslie Baker, a beautiful and vigorous soul was tragically taken from this world. She will be remembered for her countless acts of kindness including sharing her time and talents to support so many nonprofits in our community.
Leslie made it her lifelong mission to give back to her community. In addition to serving Youth With Faces, she worked with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, Jewish Family Services of Dallas, Kappa Kappa Gamma Tablescapes, Women’s Auxiliary to Children’s Medical Center Dallas, Wipe Out Kids Cancer and a number of other organizations.
Leslie Baker (center) and friends at the inaugural Field & Vine Chefs Dinner in 2018.
Leslie joined the Youth With Faces Board of Directors in 2015. She made a significant and lasting impact on our organization and the youth we serve during her time on the board and beyond. Leslie will always be remembered for creating the Field & Vine Chefs Dinner, which is now an annual event that brings professional chefs and students together to cook while raising funds for our culinary arts program. With Leslie’s help, this event earned $50,000 in its first year.
“Leslie brought many of us together with her magnetic, beautiful and admirable example, and I am honored to have worked with her in leadership of Youth With Faces,” said Chandra McCormack, Youth With Faces Board Chair and CFO of Greyhound Lines, Inc. “Leslie was a star and inspiration for me to join the Board, knowing I could work with such high caliber people such as herself. We will never forget Leslie, her kindness and sweet presence.”
While we wrestle with sadness and confusion as we try to understand the senseless crime that took Leslie from this world, we are comforted by the many kind words written about Leslie like those by her friend Shannah Hayley, “Leslie was the human equivalent of the aurora borealis: Colorful, magical, inspiring and unforgettable.”
We couldn’t agree with this statement more. If you haven’t already done so, please take a moment to read about Leslie’s extraordinary work in our community in Plano Magazine and in her obituary. When we think of her many contributions to Youth With Faces, we can’t help but think of the joy she brought to those of us who were lucky enough to know and work with her. Our lives will be forever touched for knowing and serving with Leslie.
“The community and youth who were served through her efforts are greatly improved, and all of us who had the privilege of working with Leslie together benefited immensely,” McCormack added.
We miss Leslie so much and look forward to the day we can honor her at the next Field & Vine event. May she rest in peace.