HR Executive Daniel Clarke Joins Board of Directors
Daniel leads JP Morgan's initiative to bridge the opportunity divide

As Executive Director and Global Head of Emerging Talent at JP Morgan Chase, Daniel Clarke works every day to bridge the opportunity divide for young people. He also knows how the justice system can impact a family. When Daniel was a young child his teenage brother, Michael, was incarcerated and spent most of his adult years behind bars.
Michael never got to experience life the way most Americans do. This caused tremendous stress on Daniel’s mother and the family. There were so many Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays when Michael wasn’t there. Sadly, earlier this year just days after being released on medical parole, Daniel’s big brother Michael passed away in a rehabilitation center. So, when Boardlead presented him with the opportunity to apply for the Youth With Faces Board of Directors, he knew it was the perfect match.
“Youth With Faces’s mission to help young people realize their potential complements my skill set and my passion. I’m excited to help the nonprofit and our students grow,” Daniel said.
Daniel strives to provide equitable opportunities for young people to learn and grow in the corporate sector. The Emerging Talent group at JP Morgan Chase partners with nonprofits like Year Up and other workforce development organizations to provide internships and apprenticeships at the financial services giant that is known for investing in a diverse workforce.
“I work with individuals who have the skills and desire to be successful in a corporate setting but lack access. Their environments may have limited their exposure to typical career pathways, so my team creates opportunities for them to join JP Morgan Chase,” Daniel said.
In a 2022 New York Times article Daniel talks about the importance of partnering with organizations that lift low-income Americans into jobs that can be ladders to the middle class. “Year Up’s students tend to possess an outsize drive to succeed because they have different life experiences than most bank employees. They come from situations that are tough and they push through,” he said.
“Daniel’s expertise in empowering individuals to leverage their strengths will support Youth With Faces’s staff, but also the young people our nonprofit serves,” said Chris Quadri, Youth With Faces CEO. “Every time you interact with Daniel, he provides helpful tips to create a better work environment. His expertise is invaluable as our agency considers significant growth opportunities.”
Daniel takes pride in helping people discover their strengths so they can shine in the workplace. He often guides people by asking questions that help them realize their potential. He hopes to assist Youth With Faces in growing personal development opportunities for its staff and students but also hopes to help the agency make smart decisions about adding programs in its current locations as well as potential expansion.
Chris added, “We are thrilled to have talented professionals like Daniel on the board to guide our agency. His expertise will help us create a workspace that thrives on knowledge sharing and leveraging employees’ strengths. And his compassion for our students will help them find opportunities to achieve their personal goals for success.”