Your Vote Counts

One Up the Vote Runs September 27 - October 26

Your Vote Counts

Our kids are counting on your vote! With your help, we can grow our Culinary Arts program with a catering enterprise that will provide paid internships for our youth. As a United Way of Metropolitan Dallas GroundFloor fellow, Youth With Faces is competing in the One Up the Vote social …

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Jason Speede Helps Youth View Life’s Challenges as Learning Opportunities

Jason Speede Helps Youth View Life’s Challenges as Learning Opportunities

Retired Sergeant Major Jason Speede joined Youth With Faces in late 2016. As Director of Operations, Jason oversees the day-to-day function of our organization as well as developing curriculum and partnerships to grow our impact working with at-risk youth. Jason spent 23 years in the Army where he retired as …

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United Way Funds Pathways to Education

United Way Funds Pathways to Education

When most young men and women are released from the juvenile justice system, their job prospects are slim. They are so slim, in fact, that only 19 percent find employment upon release. At Youth With Faces, we are changing this statistic for the at-risk youth in our program with help …

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Cooking Up Change

Culinary Program Teaches Skills For Life

Cooking Up Change

On a warm Friday night in July, one of Dallas’ most popular restaurants is bustling with diners enjoying the latest culinary trends. Single-source goat cheese and biscuit-crusted fish are just some of the delectable dishes featured on Café Momentum’s summer menu. But that’s not all that is special about this …

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